20 December, 2007
02 November, 2007
Noodle, noodle, noodle.
And YouTube has plenty more.
27 October, 2007
23 October, 2007
Santorum Not Included
Disney is helping out those with coprophilia.
And, right on time, The Onion chimes in with, "It's Not Easy Being a Frotteur." Think about how the poor klismaphliacs feel...
When you're done with that, howzabout some virtual bubble wrap?
18 October, 2007
Local Politics
"I'm an innocent man, I'm an honest man, and I'm the right candidate to be the next City Council in Cambridge." Full story here.
12 October, 2007
28 September, 2007
Weekend Update With Yours Truly
Stop me if you've heard this one. A 36-year old man walks into an emergency room in Scotland complaining of wavy vision and a headache lasting 4 weeks. After a little prodding her reveals that he drank about 60 pints of beer over a four day binge.
Of course a six-month-long hangover might kinda suck.

In other news, SI Live, Staten Island's finest newspaper, has chosen it's Barkeep of the Week, Angela "Big Ange" Raiola, of the Drunken Monkey Bar and Grill, and boy is she a looker!
(Click on the picture in the article to see the rest of this lovely, lovely lady.)
"If you're sitting in an empty room, she'll have you hysterical laughing," says [her son's girlfriend Anna] Benkovski.
If by "laughing" you mean "cowering in fear, and trying to find an exit," I'm right there with you Anna.
And, good news. The Buffalo Bills' Kevin Everitt is feeling much better. Look at him go.
21 September, 2007
Doctors agree
And who can you trust more than your physician? How about the Flintstones?
Mmmmmmmm. Death never tasted so refreshing!
12 September, 2007
Same-Sex, Elementary School Mutual Masturbation Stories
Until right now, I had planned on sending my children to public schools.
These particular neighbors have spent a lot of time enjoying their back porch over the summer, as have I. The main difference between us is that I tend to be quiet whereas they tend to have a rockin' good time. Maintaining the peace has involved me wearing headphones or earplugs most of the time simply so I didn't have to listen to them smoking weed and free associating. As it turns out, however, the young lady next door whose voice I find the most attractive is a lesbian who masturbates a lot, almost always has multiple orgasms, and is instantly ready-to-go when she smells photo chemicals in darkrooms. Who knew? Maybe I've missed out.
In other news,
-When you've gotta go, you've gotta go.
-Here's the world's smallest game of pong at "The World's Smallest Website."
-Perhaps the most bizarre flash thingee I have ever seen, The Woodcutter. Old news, but I'm a slacker. Whaddya want?
-Photos of one woman over the course of fifty years.
-Perhaps the cutest slideshow I have ever seen of a polar bear not eating a dog.
That is all.
11 September, 2007
10 September, 2007
More Unoriginal Content

This actually made me LOL (which probably means I should claim to have been ROTFL given modern l337 inflation).
More flowcharts and diagrams here and here. Below is perhaps my most favoritest Venn diagram ever:
Either you love The Onion or you hate it. It is tasteless and quite often obscene, yet somehow I continue to read it Wednesday after Wednesday. It is my humble opinion that they have quite gracefully made the transition to the video age. Behold: The Ocular Penetration Restriction Act of 2007
Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007
09 September, 2007
Wade Boggs

(Image: Copyright © National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.)
08 September, 2007
If Not Now, When?

Wouldn't it be nice if Congress would go ahead and do it's job? Representative Democracy was fun while it lasted. I miss the Constitution.
Ever seen a video of a real, dead ghost?
http://view.break.com/312640 - Watch more free videos
And last but not least, interactive flash triangles playing follow the leader.
28 August, 2007
Video Goodness
And here is a mother beater expressing his true feelings about TV news.
What I Think of TV News - Watch more free videos
27 August, 2007
The Greatest Bar in Boston
The 'Greatest Bar in Boston' can't afford a proofreader.
Were I to open an business in Boston in which the patrons imbibed intoxicating liquors and I was ripping off the name of a venerable establishment in the hope that it would make me sound cool, I would name my bar "The Most Profitable Bar In Boston" or "The Bar Everyone Wants To Go To Again, Immediately" or "Three Cheers" or maybe even "The Bar You Can Hang Out In Without Getting Your Fucking Neck Broken," but what the Hell do I know?
More on The Littlest later. This is what it looked like last time I was by:

According to a reliable source, it was one of the owners of the bar who wrote the sign.
22 August, 2007

20 August, 2007
What quality is the gold? How does it hang?
Fair & Balanced.
She Don't Use A Walker
After stumbling through an explanation about how you can get a lot of WERS's programs via podcast (which she knew virtually nothing about), she announced that her next song would be by the Flaming Lips. In fact, it would be the first Flaming Lips song that she had ever heard! Back when she was in high school, the cool kids would play this song while they were in the photo darkroom.
And I thought to myself, here it comes, the most overplayed Flaming Lips song ever, 1993's "She Don't Use Jelly." (And as a semi-frequent listener to WERS, I was beginning to wonder if the next song would be by Gordon Lightfoot or Kris Kristofferson.) That's when bitch lowered the boom. The song was, "Do You Realize," off of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots which came out in 2002. And while I love the song, I'm thinking of going and picking up a cane on my lunch break.
For the record, the next song was by Gordon Lightfoot.
17 August, 2007
15 August, 2007
Sox vs. Devil Rays
13 August, 2007
03 August, 2007
Friday Night Slacking
- I was wondering if anyone else found the Plain White Tees song "Hey There Delilah" as annoying as I do. As it turns out, the answer is a resounding yes.
- Are you talking right now or are we listening to a tape of you talking? (Seriously, though, it's best not to joke with cat lovers.)
- It's a bit late now, but if you want to hide the fact that you're reading the latest Harry Potter, here are some pre-made, printable dust covers.
- How ever did they catch this guy?
- Everyone loves a good car crash or ten.
28 July, 2007
20 July, 2007
Posted in a space where ClearChannel disclaimers used to be outside the former Cambridgeport Saloon. For the love of God, write Richard and let me know how it goes.
18 July, 2007
15 July, 2007
12 July, 2007
10 July, 2007
Religious Adherents

And Europe:

I worry about Estonia. Why do they hate Freedom
09 July, 2007
Monday, Monday
(Please forgive me for being vague, but the matter involves confidential proceedings for an organization that predates the Constitution. Yes, I work for the Illuminati.)
A simple procedural matter and missed deadline by a colleague of someone for whom I work arose over the weekend and by this morning, as it was described to me in painfully deliberate detail, it seemed to be a full-blown conflagration. I was quickly able to prove that we had done absolutely nothing wrong. The gentleman in question, presented with overwhelming evidence that he was at fault, backed down.
Now, I don't feel like doing a damn thing for the rest of the week. Why? Because this should never have been an issue in the first place, and certainly not the kind of thing that involves me having literally 20 e-mails in my inbox and a couple of hours of discussion. (Technically, I work for the gentleman in question exactly 3.5 hours/week.) Do you think you missed a deadline for submitting something? Checking your motherfucking Outbox and see if you missed the motherfucking deadline. It's not fucking rocket science. (+200 Bonus Frustration Points: at least one of the parties involved was, earlier in his career, a rocket scientist.)
And this is how I spend my time at work.
07 July, 2007
06 July, 2007
Friday Afternoon Humor
Next up, my first and only submission to YouTube: a group of German tourists drinking Irish Car Bombs in The Squealing Pig pub in P-town, MA. As with most of my pictures, this was captured with my Treo.
And last but not least, Mad TV nailing one:
04 July, 2007
VTK Triumphant
I was going to repost these pics in sequential order rather than live-blogged order, but a dear reader left a comment. This series of photos shows VonTrapperKeeper live at the Second Annual Hot Dog Hoe Down eating a bowl of about 7 pureed tofu pups in 5 minutes time. Check his site soon for a full write-up.
Dear God, He's Actually Eating It
When the wager was first announced, I believe I said, "I've never touched a Tofu Pup in my life, but I could eat that bowl in four minutes." Once I watched him start, I quickly realized that I was dead wrong.
23 June, 2007
Always Hiring
David Bowie is the greatest rock star ever. Period. End of discussion. Although I was only marginally part of the discussion, I think this conclusion is inescapable. Thank you. Who were you going to propose? Rick Springfield? I don't think so.
22 June, 2007
Found: The Joys of Youth

I thought to myself, "Some kid made a flipbook on a pad of Post-its. Brilliant." I scooped the pad up, dropped it in my pocket and boarded the train.
Once we found a seat and got situated, I pulled the pad out and began flipping it from the back. Nothing. Blank pages. I turned the page from the drawing above and found:

"My big sister and my little sister are not that fat." Also brilliant, but not at all what I expected. You gotta love kids.
The Phantom Gourmet BBQ Fest
Here we have VonTrapperKeeper and Kentucky enjoying ribs at the aforementioned festival at Government Center. Holy Cerdo! The event featured BBQ artisans from TN, TX, OH, NY, PA, VA, and MA. We managed to eat half-racks of ribs from seven different vendors. The best, hands-down, were the ribs from "North Carolina Bar-B-Que" out of Virginia--fall off the bone tender with a delightful sauce.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to check out VonTrapperKeeper liveblogging the bottle of Cisco I gave him last night.UPDATE:

Here we have VonTrapperKeeper uploading an image of himself liveblogging himself drinking a bottle of Cisco. Ain't technology wonderful.
This would be a good time for me to point out that all of the photos I've uploaded thus far, with the exception of the preceding pic, have been added via the Mobile Blogging feature Blogspot offers. Once you've set up your account, you can send a picmail from your camera phone and it instantly appears on your blog. If you get onto The Practical Slacker, as I know you long to do day and night ("why doesn't he update more often, damnit!"), and you see a crappy little pic (the camera in Treos is a staggering 0.3 megapixels) with the heading, "You've got a New Picture Mail," you'll know that what you're seeing is as fresh as milk straight from a cow's udders and without the gritty aftertaste. Mmmmmmm! Warm, unfiltered goodness.
I seem to have a case of the giggles which I suspect is a contact buzz from the blogtastic strawberry effervescence emanating from VTK's room.
Definite contact buzz--still giggly and I just reloaded my own blog to see if I had posted an update.
18 June, 2007
Slackity-slack. Slack, slack, slack.

01 June, 2007
Mural, Part I
This is a mural from the ladies restroom of the Old Colony Tap in Provincetown, MA, Part I. Continued above, obviously. No, I didn't take the pictures.