23 June, 2007

Always Hiring

No, this is not some amusing image I found on the internet. Treo capture from Newport Ave. in Quincy, MA. Wendy does not approve.


David Bowie is the greatest rock star ever. Period. End of discussion. Although I was only marginally part of the discussion, I think this conclusion is inescapable. Thank you. Who were you going to propose? Rick Springfield? I don't think so.


Dan Nolan said...

As one half of the debaters involved, allow me to say that Bowie is the definitive rock star. It's really not up for debate. But such is 3 AM on a Sunday morning on the porch.

Dewy24 said...

So that's why I didn't get the job.

blythe said...

www.areaology.com - unless i got it wrong, in which case this might be gibberish.

The Practical Slacker said...

When I first opened areaology, I wondered what the hell you were talking about. Then, I found the magic link. Wow. Thanks, Blythe!

1. Length multiplied by Width
2. A portion of the body consisting of the genitalia, groin, and inner thighs
3. The part of David Bowie that is all-encomposing, and pre-dates the written word.
see also: region, crotch, domain, bulge, package, unit, zone, quadrant, contour map, midgard serpent, tent.