Here we have VonTrapperKeeper and Kentucky enjoying ribs at the aforementioned festival at Government Center. Holy Cerdo! The event featured BBQ artisans from TN, TX, OH, NY, PA, VA, and MA. We managed to eat half-racks of ribs from seven different vendors. The best, hands-down, were the ribs from "North Carolina Bar-B-Que" out of Virginia--fall off the bone tender with a delightful sauce.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to check out VonTrapperKeeper liveblogging the bottle of Cisco I gave him last night.UPDATE:

Here we have VonTrapperKeeper uploading an image of himself liveblogging himself drinking a bottle of Cisco. Ain't technology wonderful.
This would be a good time for me to point out that all of the photos I've uploaded thus far, with the exception of the preceding pic, have been added via the Mobile Blogging feature Blogspot offers. Once you've set up your account, you can send a picmail from your camera phone and it instantly appears on your blog. If you get onto The Practical Slacker, as I know you long to do day and night ("why doesn't he update more often, damnit!"), and you see a crappy little pic (the camera in Treos is a staggering 0.3 megapixels) with the heading, "You've got a New Picture Mail," you'll know that what you're seeing is as fresh as milk straight from a cow's udders and without the gritty aftertaste. Mmmmmmm! Warm, unfiltered goodness.
I seem to have a case of the giggles which I suspect is a contact buzz from the blogtastic strawberry effervescence emanating from VTK's room.
Definite contact buzz--still giggly and I just reloaded my own blog to see if I had posted an update.
I'm wasted, kid!
uh, it's not bbq if it's not from ok.
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